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All kinds of pigeons and how to properly raise pigeons

All kinds of pigeons and how to properly raise pigeons

All kinds of pigeons and how to properly raise pigeons

All kinds of pigeons and how to properly raise pigeons

All kinds of pigeons

Pigeons belong to the family of Columbidae, which are widespread in most regions around the world, and are concentrated in South America, Australia, and the Pacific Islands.
 Pigeons are conical birds, ranging in length between 15-75 cm, and weighing 30-2000 grams. They have smooth skins, short legs, and small heads with beaks.
 And she has the ability to fly excellently because her body contains 44% of the muscles that help to fly. Pigeons live alone or in groups that move as flocks and take from the nests that they build as homes, and depend on fruits and grains for their food.

The most important types pigeons

The pigeons are divided into large species called pigeons, and small pigeons called doves. Scientists have classified the types of pigeons into 5 subspecies, including 42 types and 308 types. The following are the main categories of pigeons.
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Typical pigeon
 (The Columbine) It is a family also known as the ancient world rock pigeon, as it belongs to this species about 175 species and 30 genera. Most of the pigeons in this family belong to the mountain pigeon (Columba livia). 

This species has been domesticated and man has worked on raising it since 3000 BC. It has gray, black, or brown feathers, and some have iridescent spots.

 Usually, this variety moves in groups, and it is spread in temperate and tropical regions, and some of them feed on ground grains, and others feed on trees. Among the most important types of pigeons that belong to this category:

Dancing pigeon: It is a pigeon that has a fan-shaped tail, and the number of feathers in its tail may reach 42.
 Bogota Hammam: Around the neck of this pigeon there are feathers that give it an acrobatic appearance.
 Homing pigeon: Homing pigeons have long beaks.
 Bloating pigeons: These birds have long feet, swollen bands, and stand erect at a height of 16 inches.
 Eldar pigeon: Its origin dates back to the 17th century in England, and is characterized by the presence of a ring of skin around its eyes and beak, which later develops into a ring like a flower.
 Owl pigeon: This pigeon was called an owl because it has a very small beak, which gives the impression that its head is round, which is similar to the shape of an owl bird. The feathers around the neck of this species are scattered and far between.
 Tumblers Pigeons: This type has a large and wide head, but it is short, meaning that the distance between the front and the end of the head is small.
 Frillbacks Pigeons: This pigeon is distinguished by the shape of the feathers on the wings, as they take a curved and curved shape.
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Pheasant Pigeons
One of the oldest types of pigeons is the pheasant pigeons, which is a chicken-sized pigeon that is common in the Guinea region. Among the most important types of pheasant pigeons:

 White Doves: This bird is native to the desert regions, and has orange eyes surrounded by shades of blue.

 Mourning doves: This species has small heads and tails and has an agility that helps them to fly straight and fast, and their wings emit a sharp whistling upon take off.

Terrestrial Pigeons: These doves belong to a large group called Metriopelia, and they are called terrestrial pigeons because they feed on ground forage. These doves have soft reddish-brown feathers and are small the size of a bird.

 Quail doves: of medium size and plump, males have maroon feathers, females have light brown feathers, and both have a pale stripe under the eyes, and feet are red in color.

Fruit pigeons
 The pigeons that feed on fruits are called the fruit pigeon and its scientific name is The Treroninae, and they are birds that have soft feathers in bright colors such as red and yellow, but it is predominantly green, and their legs are short.

 Among the most important types are the imperial plump pigeon, the colored little pigeon, the blue dove (Alectroenas), the dark blue pigeon with the red crest, and the green pigeon with scarlet feet (Treron).
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The crowning pigeons
 In New Guinea, three types of pigeons were found joined together to form a species called the crowned pigeon (The Gourinae), and these species are the largest, as they are about the size of a turkey, and they are blue-gray and have a fan-like crest.

Tooth beak pigeons
The tooth-beak pigeon belongs to the class (Didunculinae), which includes only it, a bird that feeds on fruit, and was originally found in the Samoa region, and this bird has a sharp beak-like tooth, and it uses it to peck food while using its feet to stabilize it.

Breeding pigeons

 The man took pigeons as a pet and worked to raise and domesticate them, as pigeons are of economic importance as their meat is used for nourishment, and it does not require effort in raising it because of its long flight, and it does not occupy a large space in its dwellings.

 In order for the breeding of pigeons to be successful, consideration must be given to choosing a large pigeon, and to produce fluffs with a size ranging between 700-800 g. When raising pigeons, it is necessary to distinguish between two main types:

Wild pigeons: A pigeon of small size, which produces small squirrels weighing no more than 500 g when they reach the age of one month.
 They spawn twice a year in the spring and autumn seasons. Wild pigeons have a long and thin black bill, their feathers are blue or gray, with a black line on their wings.

 Domestic pigeons: It is the one that is exploited inbreeding, and it includes municipal types such as the Egyptian pigeon, the Maltese pigeon, and foreign types, such as the black pigeon, the rihani pigeon, the Qarqati pigeon, and others.
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The pigeons feed mainly on grains such as yellow corn, wheat, beans, veggies, and barley, and they eat food twice in the morning and evening at a rate of 60-70g per day.

  As for the dwellings in which pigeons can be raised, they may be wooden or metal cages that the pigeon keepers depend on, and homes with covered barns are a group of cages arranged in houses attached to courtyards covered with a net of 2 m high, and an area of 10 square meters to accommodate a hundred pairs of pigeons.

  As for the third system for pigeons, it is the towers system, which is built of mud or cement with a height of 2-3 m, and it has a set of openings for ventilation.

The importance of the pigeons to the human being

  Pigeons were used in the past for many human purposes, as they exploited their ability to fly to transmit messages quickly between people, because they have a group of neurons that help them determine their direction and height depending on the Earth's magnetic fields.

  It was used to transmit messages, especially in times of war, and from ships to land. It was also used to deliver messages to secret groups, as it formed a network of communication between them without drawing attention. Nowadays, pigeons are raised for their meat, and for recreational purposes such as bird racing and exhibitions.
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