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 bengal kittens

bengal cat

bengal cat for sale

Short-haired cat breed

Short-haired cats are one of the domestic cat breeds, which are also known as British shorthair cats, as these cats have been mated in special ways to produce specific standards for their appearance, and these cats are distinguished by their robust build and strong legs, and they are also recognized by their distinctive colors, eyes and round ears at the ends. Short hair that covers their bodies is one of the most important features of these cats, and there is a great similarity between short-haired cats and alley cats, but alley cats are not of the purebred cats of the short-haired cat breed, and among the most famous types of this breed are the Bengali cat, the Abyssinian cat, the Bombay cat and the cat Burmese and the cat they bought, and in what follows, we will talk about the Bengal cat.

Bengal cat

 Bengali cats are one of the breeds of domesticated domestic cats with short hair, where this hybrid breed was created from domestic cats, as Bengali cats were produced from the mating of an Egyptian Mau cat and an Asian cat, thanks to the existence of this strain to the psychologist Jan Mill, who crossed this cat for the first time Once, Bengali cats originated for the first time in the United States, and this type of cat is distinguished by its different and striking appearance, as spots and arrow marks appear on the head of these cats, and these cats are also famous for their intelligence and great activity, in addition to being fun cats, and prefer cats Bengali cats to remain present in high places, and in general, these cats enjoy great curiosity and confidence, and these cats often enjoy playing in the water, and the size of Bengali cats ranges from medium to large in size, and they have long and lean bodies.

Kashmiri Bengal cat

After talking about Bengali cats, the Kashmiri Bengali cat will be recognized, as many types of domestic cats have been used with the aim of creating the Bengali breeds, and through these various experiments in creating the Bengali breed, some types of the Bengali cat acquired the long hair gene, and then the University of California was able to The development of some genetic tests for the long-haired gene in cats, as it became possible for Bengali cat breeders to choose a Bengali cat with a recessive gene for their reproductive processes, and a Bengali cat can have the recessive gene for hair length when both parents carry this gene. 

This case can produce a long-haired Bengali cat, then the scientists listed the breed of this type of cat under the name of the Kashmiri Bengali cats, and this strain was not recognized by the cat records, but some cat associations recognized that it is a primary breed under the name of the cat Kashmiri Bengali since 2013.

How to care for a Bengal cat

Bengali cats are famous for their special signs that they have on their bodies, which they got from the Asian cat, and this breed of cats has strong personalities, and also has eccentric qualities such as its obsession with water and climbing and its preference for high places, and in order to raise this type of cats, appropriate care must be provided to them And providing their basic needs, and in what follows will be talked about how to take care of a Bengali cat:

Provide the basic needs of the cat:

  • Provide the types of healthy foods in appropriate quantities to maintain the health of the cat.
  •  Providing a source of drinking water in places easily accessible to the cat, in special dishes.
  •  Provide a cat litter box with the goal that the cat can have some privacy.
  •  Maintaining the external cleanliness of the cat by combing it and bathing it.

Taking care of your cat's health:

  • Visiting the veterinarian on a regular basis, in order to maintain the general health of the cat and to conduct full checks for him.
  •  Provide the cat with appropriate vaccinations at the appropriate times of his life.
  •  Understanding the issues and pathological symptoms of this type in order to be able to quickly know the health and illness conditions of the cat.
  •  Get pet insurance to save money on treatment.

snow bengal

Sports and playing with a cat:

  •  Providing high places for the cat to climb on, as thesecats love to climb and be in high places.
  •  Providing toys for cats, while making sure to provide daily sessions dedicated to playing, as these sessions last for ten minutes.
  •  Set aside some time to play with the cat to provide interest and entertainment.
  •  The interest of all people in the cat's environment, so that you can experience them lovingly.

Bengal cat diseases

 After getting acquainted with Bengali cats, we will talk about the diseases of these cats, as these cats suffer from the risk of infection with some diseases that target Bengali cats in particular, as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, progressive retinal atrophy, and kinase deficiency are among the most common diseases that afflict these cats

What follows will be talked about these diseases:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: It is a common genetic disease in Bengali cats, where this disease affects the heart muscle and makes it abnormally thick, and this disease can prevent the heart from pumping blood, and this disease is spread in Bengali cats at a rate of 16.7%, and it is desirable that Screening for this disease is done once or twice a year.

silver bengal cat

 Progressive retinal atrophy: Progressive retinal atrophy is a genetic disease that threatens Bengali cats. Breeders of Bengal cats must present the cat to the veterinarian in order to detect this disease.

 Kinase deficiency: It is one of the genetic diseases prevalent in Bengali cats, and examination must be done for this disease before the breeding process is carried out in order to ensure that the cats carry a strain-free of this disease, and it is examined by rubbing the inner part of the cat’s mouth with a cotton ball and then sending it to the laboratory.

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