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Teaching your dog to shake hands - step by step

 Teaching your dog to shake hands - step by step

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how to teach your dog

Training your dog to shake hands can be difficult at first, but performing this little trick can be a rewarding experience for you and your dog. When training your dog for any new lesson, keep in mind that the more you do a fun game, the more your dog will want to participate. To be able to train your dog to shake hands, follow these steps. Always use positive reinforcement, and you and your dog will play the game of "handshake" for many years to come.

The first step :

Start this lesson by associating the word "handshake" with an action in the dog's mind. Choose a time to get your dog's attention and when the dog is in a calm mood.

The second step :

Gently pick up your dog, say the word "shake hands" in a strong positive voice, then place the dog's paw gently in your hand. After performing this action, praise your dog. At first, your dog will be confused and upset about this new procedure but do this action over and over again anyway, and always follow up with praise.

The third step :

Once the dog understands what you want from him, it is time to advance the lesson. Put a favorite gift or toy in one hand, hold your other hand, and say the word "shake hands." At first, the dog may not be able to understand what you want; Gently pick the dog's paw again, perform the action, praise the dog, and then give the dog a treat.

how to

The fourth step:

After some time the dog will begin to associate the "handshake" with the action, with reward and praise. Continue with these steps at least 3 times a day, every day. In order for the dog to be able to place his paw in your hand several times when you say “shake hands,” stop using the reward and settle for praise and fondling as a kind of reward.

Fifth step:

Continue to perform this “handshake” procedure at least once a day, as training the dog to shake hands helps to continue to strengthen the bond.

how to train your dog


Dogs, cats, and pets, in general, are among the most beautiful things that a person can obtain, but the reasons for obtaining these pets differ, some are used for decoration, others for hunting, some types for guarding, and many things, but today in our humble article we will talk about the dogs that accompany us And which has become more loyal than some people, today we talked about how to teach the dog to shake hands, and many other things to come, God willing.

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