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Types of cats: The Egyptian Mau cat is the oldest breed of domesticated cats | Petsmonde

 The Egyptian Mau cat is the oldest breed

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Information

The Egyptian Mau Kittens

 is considered one of the oldest domesticated subspecies and is believed to be related to a subspecies of the African wild cat.

Most people are attracted to the Egyptian Mau because of their exotic appearance. They fall in love with them because of their unbeatable, amazing personalities.

All cats are personalities, but these are, very good, they are pretty much charming..No picture or book can do justice to the exotic beauty found in the unique green eyes of the Egyptian Mau and the bright spots.

They are friendly to all family members and tend to be cautious with strangers and choose "their own person". And they tend to be outdoors on their land without any fear or any kind of curiosity. They make wonderful companions.

Egyptian Mau - Cats

the origin

The Egyptian Mau cat is an ordinary breed, which traces its origin to Cairo. (Mao cat is the ancient Egyptian name for the cat of the divine family.) They were first seen in Europe at an exhibition of cats in Rome in the 1950s and then were imported to America in 1957.

They gained recognition in America about fifteen years later but the breed was not recognized by the board of directors of Fancy in Great Britain.

the description

The Egyptian Mau is the only natural domesticated breed of spotted cats, while the other cats are the result of the selective breeding that humans choose.

Mau cats are not as large as the British Shorthair but not as beautiful as the Orientals. It is a medium-sized cat with well-defined muscles and gives the impression of an active, sporty cat.

The head is a slightly rounded wedge shape with no flat edges, there is a slight elevation from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which continues to curve in the arched neck without interruption.

The nose is a sharp wedge and is not directed. The ears are large, alert, wide apart, and wide when tapping the base on the round head. The inner ear is a delicate shade of pink.

Big eyes and almond shape tilts slightly towards the ears. The body is medium in size, long and slender with pronounced muscular strength.

The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs. Paws are small, tasty, and oval in shape. The tail is of medium length and ranges from a wide base to round head.

Egyptian Mau Cat Breed Profile

  • Country of origin: Cairo
  • Scientific name: Phyllis Catus
  • Color: The Egyptian Mau is the only natural breed that has been spotted from domestic cats. As such, these cats are restricted to naturally occurring colors - silver, bronze, and black - as well as lighter versions of these colors - silver-blues, blues, mottos, and blues. Although the black and thinned maw are not eligible to show, they make excellent pets, like all Maw cats.
  • Coat length: short
  • Size: Medium
  • Life expectancy: Like most foreign and eastern cat species, the Egyptian Mau family has lived for a long time and ages in their late teens are not unusual.
  • Weight: A maw cat weighs between 2.5 - 5 kg.
  • Diseases: They have no specific health problems and can lead to long active lives. However, it may be a good idea to have a yearly health checkup from around the age of eight or nine to check your dental, kidney, and liver function.

The Egyptian Mau cat character

The Egyptian Mau cat is cuddly and cheerful. They are very intelligent, love to learn tricks, and are one of the few cat breeds that enjoy walking on a leash. They love to have fun, playfulness, and attention and this makes them the perfect family and excellent show cats.

They are also active and need some stimulation like games or companionship to play with them, and other cats are often a good idea if they are going to be alone for a long time. With their amazing appearance, the Egyptian Mau could be a target for cat thieves, so it might be a good idea to put it in the house and take it out for exercise.

  • Energy level: High
  • Noise level: Medium
  • Range of compatibility with cats: High
  • Compatibility with other animals: Medium

Egyptian Mau Breeder & Kittens for Sale from

Nutrition and personal hygiene

  • Nutrition: The Egyptian Mau cat is an active cat and will require around 80 calories of food per kilogram of body weight per day. They are not prone to obesity and will limit what they eat themselves.
  • Maintenance: The Egyptian Mau does not need any special cleaning because its soft, short coat maintains itself, but the cat will enjoy cleaning with a soft brush as part of the attention it gets from its owner.
  • Amount of hair loss: a little


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