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How do I make my cat fat

 How do I make my cat fat

How do I make my cat fat

How do I make my cat fat

Feed the cat

A cat’s illness may be a reason for not eating, so you must consult a veterinarian to develop a suitable diet for her, and this includes changing the type and shape of food, and sometimes cats prefer canned food when they are sick, and vets may prescribe medicines that work to open the appetite, or use nutritional injections.

Liquid, but disease may not be a cause, and cats can be encouraged to eat and open their appetite by putting foods that their owner knows they love, such as:

canned tuna and liver, but taking care not to offer them in abundance; Because it may harm their health, and in the event that cats prefer the food that humans eat, their diet must be changed and encouraged to eat food intended for cats, by mixing their favorite food with an amount of cat food, and with the passage of time the owner can change the proportion until he gives up the food Man takes it gradually.


Putting water for cats in their places, so that they can reach it and drink what they need from it, because thirst exposes cats to dehydration and constipation, and they are more prone to problems than cats that drink water, and large cats are prone to fatigue and dehydration, due to their inability to easily reach water, and flavors can be added to the water to increase She wanted to drink it.

Consult a veterinarian

The vet gives you some suggestions for what is suitable for cats, and a high-quality diet, rich in water and nutrients suitable for the health of cats, and available in pet stores, as there are in many stores foods with different flavors, but they are not ideal from a nutritional point of view.

How do I make my cat fat

Food harmful to cats' health

There are foods that harm the health of cats if they eat them frequently, and thus affect their appetite and health, including:

Onions: Cats eating onions in large quantities causes anemia, a breakdown in red blood cells, and digestive disorders.

Milk: Most cats have difficulty digesting lactose in milk, which causes digestive upset and diarrhea.

Chocolate: Chocolate of all types contains theobromine, and causes cats shivering, abnormal heartbeats, and death.

Raw meat and fish: It may contain bacteria that cause food poisoning, and fish has an enzyme that destroys vitamin B (thiamin), and this vitamin is necessary for cats, and losing it can cause nervous problems and convulsions.

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