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How do I know the age of the cat

 How do I know the age of the cat



Check your cat's teeth

The cat's teeth can be examined to find out his age, during the age stage between 2-4 weeks, the cat's primary teeth appear, and during the period between 3-4 months, cats begin to replace the primary teeth, or the so-called deciduous teeth, to show their place the permanent teeth, but when teeth grow The cat is full and its mouth is full of it, the other guideline is by looking at the accumulation of lime on it, and determining the location and amount of its accumulation to predict the age of the cat The greater the accumulation of lime, the older the cat will age, and despite this, this method cannot be completely relied upon and considered very accurate. Because dental health varies from one cat to another.

Examine your cat's eyes

Examining the cat’s eyes and looking at them helps to determine its age in a fairly reliable manner, and this requires experience, knowledge, and certain tools by veterinarians and ophthalmoscopes are usually used, as the veterinarian can determine the cat’s age by looking with binoculars, and seeing blackness or haze that It affected his eyes as he got older.


Sexual maturity

The signs or signs of sexual puberty in both male and female cats are one of the signs that can be guided in terms of knowing the age of the cat, as the stage of puberty usually begins in males when they reach the fifth month of age, so signs that indicate this appear, such as spraying urine, or the emergence of And the appearance of the testicles more clearly, as for the female, the erotica cycle indicates her age stage, which usually begins between the ages of 5-12 months, and the loud cat voice indicates that, and it should be noted that the female can give birth to her first birth at the age of 7.5 Month.

Cats have changed hair

The change and development of the cat’s body covering that consists of hair is one of the signs that can be inferred about his age stage. When the cat is young, his hair is smooth and delicate, and when the cat ages, his hair becomes thicker and thicker or thicker, along with the color change to become more Darker if the cat is of a light color, or lighter in color if the cat is of a dark color, and the cat's aging may be accompanied by the appearance of white or gray hairs.