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Bunnies.! Information about these cute pets

Bunnies.! Information about these cute pets.


            Bunnies.! Information about these cute pets.


 Rabbits (in English: Rabbits) are small animals belonging to mammals, with distinctive long ears and a short, thin tail, and there are more than thirty species of them around the world, and hares, also known as hares, belong to the same family that they belong to. Rabbits, which are the rabbit family (in English: Leporidae), [1] where hares belong to the genus Lepus (English: Lepus) which is a branch of the rabbit family, while the normal rabbits include all the rest of this family of genera.

Information about rabbits

the size:

Some rabbits are equal in size to the size of a cat, while some may reach the size of a small child, and there are some dwarf rabbits (in English: Pygmy Rabbits) that may reach 20 cm in length and weigh less than 405 g, while large species reach 50 cm in length, and overweight About 4.5 kg.

 The largest rabbit breeds, according to veterinarian Lian Macleod, is the Checkered Giant Rabbit, which weighs more than 5 kg, the Flemish Giant (English: Flemish Giant) and weighs more than 5.9 kilograms, and the Giant Papillon (in English: Giant Papillon), which weighs more than 5 kg. Between 5.9-6.3kg, and the giant chinchilla, which weighs between 5.4-7.2kg.

Polish or maid rabbits (Britannia Petite) weighing less than 1.1 kg, Dutch dwarf rabbits (English: Netherland dwarf) weighing less than 1.1 kg, dwarf hotot (English: dwarf Hotot) weighing less than 1.3 kg, and rabbits The Himalayan (English: Himalayan), which weighs between 1.1 to 2 kg, is the smallest breed of rabbit.

rabbits for sale

outside look
Rabbits have long ears that may reach 6 cm in length, which are an adaptation to capture enemies from predators, and have strong, long back legs, short tail, and five toes per foot, one of which is miniature. It is covered in long and soft fur, and the color ranges from brown, gray, and yellow-orange shades.

 Rabbits live in a variety of environments; Such as deserts, tropical forests, and wetlands, which are spread in mid-latitude regions in the western hemisphere, in Europe, parts of central and southern Africa, Sumatra, the Indian subcontinent, and Japan.

Rabbits are herbivores (in English: herbivores), and they do not eat meat at all. They feed on herbs, shamrocks, and some cruciferous plants. Such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and you may also eat fruits, seeds, roots, sprouts, and tree bark according to the Animal Diversity Network (ADW).

 The female can mate with a male at any time during the year, and she becomes capable of childbearing at the age of five or six months, and her fertility continues for four years after that, and the pregnancy period for the female rabbit lasts 31 days, so after giving birth a number ranging from 1-12 young Each time, she can conceive again only several days after birth, and the educator can sense the presence of the fetus in the mother’s abdomen by touching its side after two weeks of pregnancy, and it is good not to allow her to conceive again until four weeks after the birth, to be repeated Pregnancy only six times during one year.

 The reason for the female's ability to conceive is largely due to the fact that ovulation and release of eggs in her ovaries occur as a result of sexual intercourse with the male, and not in the form of a regular cycle, and it is worth noting that she can undergo postpartum directly.

Babies Newborn rabbits are naked, helpless, and blind, mothers do not take great care of their babies, and they breastfeed their young only once a day, for only a few minutes; Therefore, rabbit milk is very rich in nutrients, and is considered the richest compared to the milk of all other mammals; To compensate for the lack of interest, rabbits are usually weaned from breastfeeding only about one month after birth, and parents are not usually involved in caring for their offspring.

mini lop

Adaptation to escape from enemies
 Rabbits are very social, and they live in large groups (in English: colonies), and they are most active during dusk and at dawn. The dim light at that time helps her to hide from enemies, and her ability to run long distances at high speeds and her long ears help her to escape from them; Where the cotton-tailed rabbit (in English: cottontail rabbit), for example, can run zigzag, at speeds of up to 29 kilometers per hour, according to National Geographic.

 The eyes of both hares and ordinary rabbits are located on both sides of the head; This gives them a field of 360-degree vision around their bodies, which is large in size that allows them to absorb an ample amount of light in dimly lit conditions during times of dawn, dark hours, and dusk, which are times when they are usually active.

Facts about rabbits
 Some general facts about rabbits include:
 The Flemish rabbit, 129 cm long and 22 kg, was considered the longest rabbit in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

 Rabbits are food for a wide range of mammals and birds. Such as wolves, foxes, weasels, hawks, eagles, and owls; Due to their constant abundance, they are an important part of many terrestrial food chains.

 Rabbits can greatly affect both native and cultivated plants, which can sometimes lead to them being considered a pest.
 Rabbits can transmit some diseases to humans, such as; Tularemia, or rabbit fever.

 The long ears of rabbits help get rid of excess heat in the body, by releasing it through the blood vessels in the ears.
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