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The fiercest types of dogs in the world

The fiercest types of dogs in the world

the most deadly dogs

The fiercest types of dogs:

 Many of us are interested in dog breeding because it is distinguished by its intelligence and loyalty to its breeder, so many people want to own dogs because it is "the best friend of man." Dangerous, and some are more dangerous than others.

 But there are some dogs of the strains that are characterized by strength, violence, and aggression, and according to the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Center for Disease Control in the United States, the most dangerous 10 types of dog breeds and the fiercest in the world have been counted. To avoid its risks and know the most dangerous ones:

Pitbull Dog:

 It is Pit Bulls and it is native to the United States of America, its length is (18-22) inches and weighs approximately (30-55) lbs. It is the fiercest species and a hybrid dog of different canine factions.
- Pitbull is distinguished by his strength and ferocity, so his only mission is to fight only, as he does not leave his opponent alive and kills him, by closing his mouth on his prey until he dies.
Airlines have imposed restrictions on air travel for the Pitbull platoon, and insurance companies have also raised their insurance rates due to their repeated aggression.

  • Root filler Dog:
 It is Rottweilers and its origin is Germany, its length is (23-27) inches, and weighs approximately 85-110 lbs. It is a dog that has a large mouth that contains strong jaws and full teeth.
 Rottweiler is distinguished by the size of his large body and possess these features. Rottweiler has participated in the world wars that took place, and it was used in the transportation of first aid, guarding, and search and rescue.
 Root Filler is characterized by its aggressiveness, but it loves children, obedient to them, and eager to work.
 Rottweiler is distinguished by its ability to swim skillfully.
 The Rottweiler's only weakness is its tail during combat, so its owners often cut its tail when it was young.

  • German shepherd Dog :
- The German Shepherd is native to Germany and is (22-26) inches long and weighs about (70-85) pounds, and it is also called by German Shepherd as it is the most popular animal in the world.
- The German Shepherd is a medium-sized dog with a strong jaw and round eyes and is famous for its upright posture and he does not like strangers forever.
 - The German Shepherd is used in wars and the police use it to track down criminals, detect prohibited items such as drugs and warn soldiers of the presence of enemies.
 -The German Shepherd is distinguished by its (intelligence, speed, strength, and ease of training in human obedience).
 The average life span of a German Shepherd is approximately 7-10 years.

  • Siberian Husky Dog:
- The Siberian Husky, which is native to Siberia, is 20-24 inches long and weighs approximately 35-55 lbs. It lives in cold and polar regions and loves to live with other members of the same lineage.
- In the past, the Siberian Husky was used to transport goods on a sleigh in cold and polar regions.
- The Siberian Husky is distinguished by intelligence, energy, stubbornness, and control.
- Siberian Huskies rarely bark, as they are more wolf-like than dogs.
 -In 2000, he died in the United States, 15 deaths due to his bite.

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