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Types of Shirazi cats around the world

Types of Shirazi cats around the world

Persian cat

Shirazi cat | Shirazi Cat

Types of Shirazi cats

the cats:

It is one of the mammals, belonging to the feline family, and is distinguished by its great ability to hunt and predate, but it does not pose a real danger to humans. Due to its small size, and its great ability to see in the dark, it must be noted that it loves cleanliness, so it usually licked its fur to clean it, as it has many types, including the Shirazi cats, which we will introduce you in this article to their types.

Types of Shirazi cats

  • Moon Face Cat:
 It is the most common type of Shirazi cat and is characterized by many characteristics, including its broad, round eyes, its pointed and long ears, its abundant hair that fills its body without the neck, its small nose, and its slightly raised, in addition to its square face and long legs.

  •  The Himalayas Cat:
 These cats are a mixture of Persian and Siamese cats, so they have a distinctive appearance. She has blue eyes far apart and wide, small ears pointed and spaced, and a mouth in the form of a letter 8, in addition to her short legs, short tail, relatively small body, thick hair, and the color of her limbs darker than the rest of her body, and it must be noted that she is one of the lazy cats. It needs a lot of care and care.

  • Pike Face Cat:
 This type of cat is distinguished by all the previous features of other types of Shirazi cats, except that it differs in the color of its unspecified eyes and its flat nose at eye level, so it is one of the most expensive types of cats.

  • Half Picky Cat:
 This type of cat is produced from the mating of Moon-Face and Peaky Face, so it is called the Half-Face and is distinguished by its nose located below eye level, its circular and non-wide eyes, and its mouth that resembles the shape of 8.
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  • Vis countries Cat:
 Dollface cats are distinguished by their characteristics that combine the characteristics of moon face and pike face, but they are very close to the shape of the moon face and their characteristics, but their limbs are less long than the moon face.

Ways to care for Shirazi cats:
• cats are not neglected; Failure to provide her with food and drink could result in death.

• Paying attention to her psychological state, and considering her as a member of the family.

• Keeping it clean, by washing it with a bar of soap instead of shampoo; Because soap contains chemicals that are more powerful than shampoo, in order to get rid of germs, and you should stay away from introducing water into her ear. To avoid killing her.

 • Seeing the veterinarian every once in a while and vaccinating her; To prevent her from contracting diseases.

• their play and caress; Because she tends to play and riot, to draw the attention of her owner for sharing playing with her.

• Keep away from harming or provoking her; To avoid increasing their aggressiveness.

Teaching her to sleep in the place specified for her.

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