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How do I know the type of my cat

How do I know the type of my cat

pets: Type of Cats

How do I know the type of my cat

the cats:

Cats are one of the most popular pets in our homes, and they are not one or even two types. Cats are different types and shapes, and this matter depends on the shape of each cat, its color, size and even its characteristics and character, so we will address some types of cats depending on their characteristics:

How do I know the type?

 My cat types cats according to their shape.
The Shirazi cat: It is known as the Persian or Iranian cat, and it is a breed of modern cats, its hair is particularly thick at its neck and shoulders, and it has many different colors and its most breeding type is the white cat with blue eyes.

The Himalayan cat: which is produced as a result of the mating of the Shirazi and Siamese cat, and its color is light orange as for the nose, ear, feet, and tail is darker, and among its most famous types: Himalaya chocolate and Himalayan bluegrass are the most expensive and rare.

Siamese cat: its origin in the continent of Asia, where the king of Siam gave it to the English consul, and then it spread in Britain and then reached America, as for its characteristics, it has short hair, tends to be blue in the ears, legs, as well as feet and tail, and his eyes are luscious. On the side of the nose, as for the tail, it may be short and may be long, but the tail may be more widespread.

Balinese: And its origin is America, it has a Siamese mother and has long, soft hair like silk, thick on the top and short on the bottom, and has good muscles and its movements are light, and its eyes are also almond-blue in color.

The Turkish cat: or what is known as the van cat, has a white color and becomes darker at the tail, and has large ears with a pinkish color on the inside.

Norwegian Forest Cat: It lives in Norway, has thick hair to protect it from the cold and has claws that enable it to climb mountains easily.

And many other types that cannot be enumerated and mentioned all.


Types of cats according to their behavior:
Cats that are more social than others and this type is more preferred because of their love of those around him in addition to their confidence in him, for example this type likes to sleep in your bed or even sit on your feet.

The second type: It is the most ferocious and aggressive, and this type is considered very curious to the extent that it attacks anything in front of it, and many people face many problems if he owns this type of cat, and in order to deal with this wild type of cats, the following things can be followed:

As cats are known to love games, lights, etc., try to make your room or wherever you are a place that is loved by your cat.
 Pet the cat, but with caution, whether using stuffed toys, lights or even water.

 Try to provide your cat with his favorite food, including fish, meat and milk, and it is okay if you touch his head while he is eating as a way to make him feel safe and sympathetic to him.

As for the third type of cats, unlike the first, they are also antisocial and shy, and this type causes the anger of their breeders. Because he likes to stay in his place because of his shyness or fear, so it is necessary to follow a set of tips to become more vital:

Never try to remove the cat from its place.
Provide him with food and drink by placing them near your cat's hideout.
Avoid using the method of anger or shouting with him and also do not allow children to play with him, you alone have to deal with this type of cat.

Be patient, for example, this type of cat needs patience and the time it takes to get out of this situation varies from one cat to another depending on the reason that made it become like this, and after this cat comes out to become normal as the rest, you must be careful as well, so you should treat it gently and avoid Screaming and hitting until it does not go back to how it was before.

The most common types of cats

 Abyssinian cat.
 Australian Mist cat.
 Burmilla cat.
 Siberian cat.

 Many others, and each has its own characteristics, size and color, and we do not forget how to deal with it based on its qualities, as we mentioned previously.

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