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Cats: A Cornish Rex cat ... an eccentric, curved back

 Cats: A Cornish Rex cat ... an eccentric, curved back


A Cornish Rex cat

The Cornish Rex

is an incredibly unusual and surprising cat breed, and it is one of the most popular cat breeds known to have a reputation for being an active and sociable member of the family. These cats are the result of a natural boom in the 1950s in Cornwall, England, but today they are a common cat breed in the United States.

At first glance, you will notice its large size, wide ear, and oval-shaped face of this breed. Before you notice its unusually arched back, narrow waist, and long limbs that make this cat "the family's hunting cat."

And what makes the look of a whimsical Cornish Rex cat even more beautiful is its curly fur. These unique and memorable in appearance, are wonderful companion cats that are good with families.

A look at the Cornish Rex cat breed

  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Weight: 2.5-4 kg
  • The coat: short, curly, soft, silky
  • Color Layer: Wide range of colors including plain, shaded, smoky, speckled varieties.
  • Eye color: blue, green, and gold
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 16 years

Characteristics of the Cornish Rex

The curly coat is one of the most obvious features of the Cornish Rex cat, and fortunately it requires relatively little care. Like all cats, the Cornish Rex is a self-cleaning tool. But .


Cat fur can become oily, especially around the chin and paws. If this is the case with a Cornish Rex cat, you may need to bathe your cat on a regular basis to prevent him from feeling greasy when touched. You can brush up the soft fur, but be careful to do it gently to avoid damaging the tight curls.

The Cornish Rex cat often feels warm to the touch but is sensitive to either hot or cold temperatures. It is best kept indoors with adequate heating or air conditioning.

The Cornish Rex character

Despite its thin frame and elegant appearance, the Cornish Rex cat has an affectionate personality. Like all cats, this breed requires daily attention, regular feeding, and lots of interaction with its owner.

However, her intelligent and sociable nature means that a Cornish Rex cat will need mental stimulation. They could be vocal communication, partly of their personality due to their Siamese heritage.

These cats are highly adaptable, and do well in a variety of environments - which has even led to them being used for therapeutic work.


Cornish Rex with Family

This breed has been known to get along well with children and other pets, as long as they are treated with respect. While some breeds, such as the Devon Rex, are especially keen on having other animal companions, the Cornish Rex cat is tolerable but often indifferent - as long as they spend enough time with a family member.

Cornish Rex cats are trained to do many tricks, including waving, shaking, sitting, and more. Many people love to play fetch, and they know they use their paws to pick up things. As they respond greatly to positive reinforcement training techniques, you will gladly take a reward for a job well done!...

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