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 Cats: Devon Rex cat

Devon Rex cats

Devon Rex Cat Breed

The Devon Rex cat

will attract your attention because of its wide eyes and triangular ears, one of the most famous cat breeds in the world, which will steal your heart due to its playful nature and social behavior.

Aside from their amazing facial features, these kittens have fluffy, wavy coat and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Originating from a natural mutation in the early 1960's, these cats have been described as out of this world for both their looks and the exotic.

A look at the Devon Rex breed

  • Length: 45cm
  • Weight: 3 to 5 kg
  • Fur: ​​Short, wavy fur with a soft texture
  • Color Layer: A wide range of colors including plain, striped and gradient varieties
  • Eye color: varies widely from amber, blue, copper, green, golden, hazel, whimsical.
  • Age: 9 to 15 years old

The History of the Devon Rex

It is known that this breed of cats can be traced back to England in the 1960's. A domestic cat with short hair that mates with Tom cats with strange waviness on their fur.

Which produced a kitten with wavy fur, was noticed immediately due to its unique fur called Curly.

A more successful breeding program was developed to preserve Curley's natural boom.

In 1968, the first Devon Rex cat was imported to the United States and by 1979 the breed had received official recognition from the Animal Breeders Association.


Devon Rex has made an impact even on pop culture. Rumor has it that director Steven Spielberg was the inspiration for the creation of world-class movie characters such as E.Yoda based on his personal pet, the Devon Rex cat.

Caring for a Devon Rex cat

Be ready to give this cat some love. Devon Rex is the social cat who is happiest in the company of humans or other animals. Although these cats are not boisterous like some breeds, they will have an energetic personality and vocal demeanor to get your attention - and you'll probably want to get a reward.

Devon Rex character

Their open, social personalities make them adept at learning tricks, but their somewhat agitated nature can make it difficult to direct their energy.

Patience and persistence are required, but using a reward in training is a good way to teach your cat to perform some fun tricks. Try clicker training to teach your cat to come, sit, wiggle, and more.

This training can strengthen the relationship between you and your cat, while providing the mental stimulation this smart breed needs.

Provide lots of toys and climbing games that cats will enjoy. This cat is known to love being in prime locations during playtime or at rest, so keep this in mind when preparing your home for the Devon Rex.

With their fluffy, sometimes bare coat, these cats appreciate being on your lap. As they are especially social with other animals, so when properly bred through socialization, it is not surprising that you see them comfortable with other domestic pets including dogs.

Devon Cats Breed

Whether or not you have other pets, a Devon Rex soft bed should be made so that it is a comfortable place to keep warm.

Maintenance of a Devon Rex cat

Devon Rex requires minimal human assisted maintenance. Since your cat's coat has little sparse hair that is prone to shedding, it is best to avoid brushing your cat at all.

Alternatively, you can wipe your cat's scalp with a damp cloth weekly. Excessive grooming can lead to bald spots.

However, these cats are not weak. However, you will find that the Devon Rex is healthy, has a strong muscular body, and has long, athletic legs. The short coat and prominent features make the neck and chest bony, strong for jumping.

The only thing you should pay attention to is the accumulation of earwax. You may need to regularly clean the inside of your cat's ears to ensure the wax doesn't build up or begin to harbor dirt and bacteria.

Common health problems

  • This breed is not known to have excessive health ailments, but there are several conditions for which you should be on the alert. Devon Rex sometimes suffers from
  • Tender patella (lower knees)
  • And hip dysplasia.
  • Muscle weakness, often affecting the muscles of the head and neck

Due to the breed's short fur and thin coat, the Devon Rex is greatly affected by the weather. Take care to reduce your cat's exposure to direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. These cats also need to be protected from cold temperatures. For these reasons, Devon Rex cats thrive best when kept as domestic pets.

Devon Cat

Diet and nutrition

Many Devon Rex cat owners will tell you that these cats are foodies. Don't let human food become the staple of your diet. And for whom, be sure to feed your cats high-quality food for effective weight management and continued health.

It is important to avoid free feeding. Devon Rex has been known to go to great lengths to pull a sandwich from the table or chase you for a treat from your dinner, similar to the begging behavior many dogs do. Avoid giving in to the cat's constant efforts and only provide an appropriate reward.

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