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 Types of dogs: Caucasian dog

Caucasian dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog

is one of the most important guard dogs in the world, and it should not be taken lightly. As the Caucasian dog is bold, fearless, confident, and fierce when there is a threat, and it has a fierce offensive tendency that makes it pounce on the enemies with great ferocity and fight them to death, and if he feels a real threat to his owner, he is ready to sacrifice his life for him, but he is kind, loyal, loving and affectionate with his family, including other family pets.

Caucasian dog temper

Fearless, bold: okay

Height: 57.5-75cm

Weight: 40-70 kg

Life expectancy: 10-12 years

Caucasian dog

The Caucasian dog

was used for several in protecting private property from aggressors and intruders, guarding livestock against large and small predators such as wolves, and many other duties. And in days, especially in the West, he is mostly the companion and friend in addition to the guard.

There is a large variety of Caucasian dog species that differ depending on their region.

For nearly a century, there were two types of breeds and criteria for the Caucasian dog: the type of mountain, which is considered friendly to humans and that has been used for long periods for the purpose of guarding, entertainment, and play, so many people have dogs in their homes, and dogs differ in their shapes, sizes, types and even The degree of its ferocity varies greatly, depending on the type of family to which the dog belongs.

One of the most well-known types of dogs is the Caucasian dog, which is also called the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, or the Ovsharka, or the Caucasian Mountain Dog, and the presence of this dog is widely spread in Russia and a number of its countries, and in the countries in the North and South Caucasus such as Georgia, Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan

Caring for a Caucasian dog

Feeding a Caucasian dog

You will need to feed your Caucasian Shepherd so that it meets its unique digestive needs throughout its life. You should continue with the breeder's recommended food until your dog is at least six months old (unless there is a compelling reason to change).

An experienced breeder will help ensure that your puppy receives proper nutrition, along with high-quality foods that will help him grow in a healthy way. When it's time for a change, many dog ​​food stores have varieties especially small, medium, large, and very large puppies. Like Caucasian dog breed, large size.

There is a good general rule to avoid with low-quality ingredients, as these are not digestible. What you feed your dog is an individual choice, but working with the vet and / or breeder will be the best way to establish the frequency of meals as a puppy and the best adult diet to increase its longevity. Fresh, clean water should be available at all times.

Interest in the coat of the Caucasian dog

The Caucasian dog has a wide variety of hair bark, from very long to short. dogs with long-haired bark require constant daily care. Grooming can be a wonderful confidence experience for you and your pet.

Strong, fast-growing nails should be trimmed regularly with a nail clipper or grinder to avoid overgrowth, splitting, and cracking. Their ears should be checked regularly to avoid a build-up of wax and debris that could lead to infection, and their teeth should be cleaned regularly.

Exercise for the Caucasian dog

Caucasian dogs do better with larger yards and are suitable for families who like daily walks.

For safety, as they are an intelligent and independent breed, they need to be contained, as in a fenced and restricted yard when walking. Although he is a low energy dog,

However, he must be able to withstand good walking and long distances. Some breeders encourage stress tests for Caucasian dogs

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