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Golden retriever

golden retriever

THE Golden Retriever

The dog is considered the best in the world in terms of reputation and breed, as well as its origin was in England in 1800

The basic need for it was to penetrate it between vegetables and dense trees, as well as swimming in cold water and for long distances, and he was distinguished in the retrieval games, which is throwing things such as balls or toys and bringing them again, hence the reason for his name by that name. In 1900, it was first moved to America, and in 1912 it was recognized as a distinct breed of dog. And the dog turned from a hunter with specific tasks to a dog of special shows and competitions, and it gained very, very, very popularity in the shortest possible time.

About the golden retriever

The Golden Retriever is an energetic, strong and balanced dog, with a confident, alert and eager personality.

The Golden Retriever is an ideal Riyadh companion, pet and family animal, and it is one of the types of service dogs

Gentle with children, they enjoy endless attention and the Golden Retriever has a high tolerance for children who are very bad behaviour. In addition, the Golden Retrievers love to swim and should be allowed to swim when possible, although he adapts well to the surrounding environment and loves human companionship and does not like being alone. The Golden Retriever is trustworthy and the Golden Retriever is an excellent dog not only in appearance but also in character.

golden retriever Personal

 A dog with a distinctive personality, nobility and self-confidence.

A very sensitive dog, very intelligent.

One of the best factions, popular and loved by people, and it is very easy to win people's hearts.

The dog is distinguished by its great ability to teach.

He has a good personality.

Golden Retrievers are one of the calmest dogs.

The barking of this dog is very rare.

He may bark when he feels excited and energetic while playing.

It is an advantage for those who seek to acquire a quiet dog that does not cause disturbance.

golden retriever character

The Golden Retriever is very easy to get used to with his friends and company in general, but he may sometimes be hostile with unknown strangers.

But their nature is always peaceful, especially with children, as it is a dog that is distinguished by tenderness towards children

Lifespan: 10 to 15 years.

Number of puppies: 6 to 10 puppies.

Golden Retriever Height:

The male dog is 56-61 cm.

The female dog is 51-56 cm.

Golden Retriever dog weight:

The male dog is 27-36 kg.

The female dog is 25-32 kg.

golden retriever Colors

 The colors of the Golden Retriever range from light pale yellow to burning golden sunset colors

​Gold Retrievers have flat or wavy fur and are of medium length.

how to take care of golden retriever dogs

The Golden Retriever needs constant care, as he needs to comb his fur twice a week, preferably more than that to maintain the luster and vitality of the dog's scalp

Types of golden retriever

There are three types

. British

. American

. Canadian

There is a slight difference between the British and the Americans. The main difference is from the physical structure.

The British have a different type of snout than that of the American. Another difference between American and British is of height. Usually, the American Terrier will be taller than the British.

Canadian Goldens are thinner and darker in colour. It also has a taller height than the American and British.

General information about the Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is a very beautiful dog. It has golden hair that flows like silk. It is strong, balanced, obedient, seeks to please its master. It is one of the most popular and loved dog breeds among people. It is easy to win the hearts of people, very kind to children, and very happy with children. He cares about them like no other. Although he adapts to other dogs, he prefers to be accompanied by humans, and he hates to be alone.

Golden Retrievers are a good watchdog. They bark at sight of strangers. They are very friendly with everyone including other dogs. Golden Retrievers, if left on their own for a long period of time, become very mischievous.

The Golden Retriever is very active, making it the ideal companion for athletes.

The Golden Retriever possesses a lot of talents such as stalking, tracking, retrieving things, detecting drugs, agility, competitive obedience and performing tricks. Where Golden Retriever dogs can be trained easily by professional trainers to do several things:

 It helps police and customs officers to search and detect explosive or narcotic materials, as well as used to chase fugitives and criminals.

 Helping someone who has lost his sight (blind).