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 Types of dogs: Redbone dog

Redbone Coonhound Hunting Dog

Redbone Dogs

Redbone dog

is a moderate dog, has certain habits, its size is medium to large, and it is distinguished by its loyalty and sincerity to its owner.

Its bright red color is easily recognizable, the hardy Redbone dog breed is well suited for both hunting and companionship.

With good socialization and training, Redbone puppies can be excellent family Dogs and good family companions. The Redbone is also famous for its sounds, like most dogs.

Redbone dog breed

  • Breed of the group: Hound
  • Weight: 19 to 29 kg.
  • Height: From 52.5 to 67.5 cm to the shoulder
  • Color: red
  • Fur: ​​short, smooth fur
  • Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years

History of the Red Bone Dog

Redbone dogs can be traced back to the red foxhounds, which were brought back to the United States by Scottish immigrants in the late eighteenth century. You might think that its name comes from its color, but it derives from the name of the first breeder of this breed, Peter the RedBone dog. Most of the breed's development has occurred in the southeast, especially in Georgia.

And eventually crossed with Irish Hounds and possibly becoming bloodthirsty Dogs at some time later, the red was bred markedly red. By the end of the 19th century, the Redbone was an established breed. Over the years, redbone puppies have continued as excellent hunting dogs and wonderful companions.

Take care of a redbone dog

Redbone dog has short and smooth fur, with a relatively low rate of hair loss. A basic grooming routine along with weekly grooming is all that is needed to keep a redbone in good condition. It has a distinctive canine scent, which you can counteract by showering.

Like all Dogs with long floppy ears, it is important to keep the ears clean and dry to prevent infection. Trim your dog's nails to protect them from breakage, so that they are comfortable and do not cause pain to the dog. And use your dog's toothbrush a few times each week as a minimum to get good dental health to help prevent gum infection.

Redbones are smart dogs, but they can also have a stubborn character. As proper training is very necessary, it will help strengthen the bond between you and your dog. They are easily trained for hunting tasks but other normal commands are not learned naturally. They need a lot of patience and perseverance when trained, as they are said to be susceptible to the 'Attention Deficit Disorder'.


As hounds, they are also known for creatively interpreting your commands instead of following them the way you intended. Or you want it from them. The Redbone may not be the best breed for the novice owner to train as a companion animal rather than a hunting dog.

Socialization is important for a redbone dog. Knowing they are generally friendly to everyone, which makes them weak guard Dogs but good companions. Since they are still longing for hunting, they are usually not very interconnected with their owners.

This breed has a lot of energy and can get bored easily, so adequate exercise is essential for them. Nearly 90 minutes a day recommended by some experts. Redbone is excellent swimmers, so this is another option for exercising. Redbone dogs should be kept on a leash or fenced area and not allowed to roam freely. Where they swoon, as soon as they smell any scent, they will follow.

The strong desire to hunt makes this dog very quickly. Also, taking your dog for a long walk, with plenty of opportunities to smell it can keep him happy and motivated.

Redbone dogs tend to make good relationships with children and other Dogs. They may play very actively with young children, but playing with older children can make dogs and children more enjoyable. It can be difficult for a young child to control this dog on a leash, especially when the dog smells prey.

Feeding a RedBone dog

A redbone dog will need about 2.5 cups of dry dog ​​food per day. But it is better to give two smaller meals a day rather than one large meal or allow free feeding of a redbone dog. Redbone dogs are known to be enthusiastic eaters prone to overeating.

Watch for signs of weight gain on your pet. Being overweight or obese reduces the dog's life and increases the risks and diseases that can infect the dog. As your nutritional needs will change over time, discuss with your veterinarian whether you need to change your feeding schedule, the amount, type of food, and exercise routine. And be sure to provide fresh, clean water.

Redbone's health problems

Responsible breeders strive to maintain the highest breed standards set by kennel clubs. As Dogs raised according to these criteria are less likely to have genetic problems. However, some hereditary health issues can occur in this breed. Here are some conditions to know:

  • Hip joint deformities
  • Ear infections

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